Cockleshell Crosshaven
Ray Hurley- Unframed A4 print 'Notions in the Oceans'- Seaswimming
Ray Hurley- Unframed A4 print 'Notions in the Oceans'- Seaswimming
A4, printed on archival paper.
Note from Ray about this print
If you have ever encountered a vegan, you will know within the space of ten minutes about their dietary preferences. Like vegans, sea-swimmers go out of their way to drop the fact they swim in the sea.
This new phenomenon completely negates the fact that people have swam in the sea for THOUSANDS OF YEARS and they called it “swimming”. Maybe it’s a reimagining of traditional passtime? 😜
I once had the gaul to innocently label a “sea swim” as a swim to a lady in Clontarf. I was swiftly corrected and told, “it’s Sea swimming and it’s a new lifestyle choice”. 😂
Sea swimmers operate from a higher level of consciousness, love to mention the benefits of “Sea Swimming” and like to proclaim how it’s not so cold when you throw yourself in – kind of like a regular swim, minus the NOTIONS.
To combat this movement, I am going to create a new tribe that love “LAND WALKING”. It’s far superior to regular walking because you can use the word “land” and think of the benefits! 😜😂
PS. I still love all of you sea-swimmers